
January found us in Jost van Dyke celebrating New Years and Maddux’s 3rd birthday. We enjoyed the beach, bars and boat rides until we had to go back to reality. Upon returning to Atlanta, we celebrated Marshall’s 9th birthday at our favorite local Mexican restaurant! We also found opportunities to spend some quality time with family and friends.


February was jam packed this year! We had basketball games, birthday parties, a Valentine’s dance, and most-excitingly, Murphy’s first Disney trip. Maddux & Murphy got to go to their first Wake Forest basketball game when Tech hosted them in February; we got to hang out with mom’s friend from college, which was very exciting. Maddux’s friend hosted an extremely cool golf themed party which included mini-golf carts and an appearance by Donald Duck. Primrose hosted a very fun Valentine’s dance where Maddux danced the night away with her friends. We capped off the month with a trip to the Most Magical Place on Earth where we stayed at Bay Lake Tower in a room where we could watch the fireworks from our balcony before bed each night! It was truly magical!


March brought us some quality stay at home time. Murphy is becoming more an more mobile every day! She’ll be crawling in no time. Maddux and Michael got a daddy-daughter date night out at Chick-fil-A. We got to checkout the balloon experience with some good friends.